The MAIZE pulsed power facility at the University of Michigan. (upper left) Cross-section of the 3-m-diameter, single-cavity MAIZE LTD: (1) spark gap switch – 40 such switches in the LTD; (2) 40 nF capacitor – 80 such capacitors in the LTD; (3) iron core – 2 cores in the LTD; (4) high voltage insulator; (5) coaxial transmission line section; (6) radial transmission line section; (7) load region with conical power feed; (8) 1-m-diameter vacuum chamber; (9) oil chamber. (upper right) Photograph of the MAIZE facility with UM students, faculty, and staff. (lower left) MAIZE during a discharge with all 40 spark-gap switches firing (glowing). (lower right) Students during the MAIZE refurbishment project in 2019. MAIZE provides an excellent testbed for hands-on student training in pulsed-power-based science & technology.
Diagnostics Summary
Peak current of 0.5–1 MA (depending on load inductance and charge voltage)
Rise time of 100–250 ns (depending on load inductance and charge voltage)
Driver impedance of 0.1 ohms (typically ~10 kA per 1 kV of charge voltage)
Typically operate with a charge voltage of ±70 kV to get a peak current of about 700 kA and a rise time of about 200 ns into a load inductance of about 10 nH
External Bz coils capable of providing a uniform 2 T over cm-scale sizes (these are the same applied Bz coils as those used in MagLIF experiments)
Gas-puff z-pinch system with various gases, including deuterium
12-frame laser shadowgraphy (or 12-frame visible-light self-emission imaging)
2-frame MCP for self-emission imaging in XUV
Laser interferometry imaging
Laser Faraday rotation imaging
Time-integrated x-ray pinhole camera
Time-gated, fiber-coupled visible spectroscopy (0.75-m spectrometer)
Micro B-dot probes
Load current (Rogowski coil and Bdot probes)
Silicon diodes and photo-conducting diamond (PCD) detectors with various filters
Bubble detectors for neutron yield
Beryllium activation probe for neutron yield
Extensive use of additive manufacturing (3D printing) for custom setups
Vacuum chamber ports and floor space available for user-supplied diagnostics